Taking Care of Your Tires During Spring

Taking Care of Your Tires During Spring - Motorwerkes - BMW Services

In previous blogs, we’ve spoken more generally about how the seasons affect your tires, particularly when winter car care is needed. This week, we’d like to refresh and expand on this a bit. Now that spring is here, a tire switch or rotating might be needed!

Switching Types

Did you drive your BMW frequently during winter or did you store it? If you drove it, you probably had a set of winter tires installed. As mentioned in our blog on spring car care, you should switch these out for summer times once winter is over. If the temperature outside has started to exceed 7 degrees, this is generally a good time to make the exchange. Ensuring that you are equipped with the appropriate tires for the season will optimize your traction and safety as well as reduce the likelihood of tire failure.

Wear & Rotation

If a vehicle you stored during the winter was not fitted with winter tires, have a look at the tires that it’s currently equipped with. How is the condition of the treads and siping? When was the last time you had them rotated? Signs can take many forms, including vibration during your ride and visible wear such as cupping and feathering. Having your tires rotated at the proper interval will maintain even wear between front and rear and extend the overall life of your set, not to mention improve your mileage over time. How often you rotate will depend on your vehicle, so asking your technician for a personalized recommendation is a great idea.


As you may know, a change of season can mean a few different things when it comes to tire pressure. If you’ve stored a vehicle, you should check to make sure flat spots have not developed due to low temperatures and extended periods in a stationary position. If you drove your BMW during winter and are switching tire types, don’t forget that it can be easy to over-inflate in warm weather if you’ve become accustomed to the low pressures experienced in the cold. As long as you know what to keep an eye on, your tires will stay in great shape!

Taking your BMW for a drive on a clear day is what many of us look forward to once spring gets going. To keep everything running smoothly so that you can have best ride possible, get in touch with the Motorwerkes team at (403) 768-3163 today!